Session Title: Mindfulness practices with Donghua Chan: A traditional Buddhist approach
Speaker: Yao-Chin Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Florida
Watch the session:
Short description: Mindfulness, originally from Buddhism and translated from Sati in Pali, has been recognized by interdisciplinary experts in recent decades as an effective means to boost wellness and well-being. Chan (禪 in Chinese; Zen in Japanese, Thiền in Vietnamese, and Sŏn in Korean) is a school of Mahayana Buddhism with various traditional methods in mindfulness practices. The speaker, Dr. Yao-Chin Wang, is continuously trained by Buddhist Venerable Huiming Shi with mindfulness practices of Donghua Chan, which is taught by Chan Master Wanxing Shi (Abbot of the Donghua Chan Temple in China). Dr. Wang is the lead author of the article, “Travel for mindfulness through Zen retreat experience: A case study at Donghua Zen Temple,” published on Tourism Management in 2021. During this session, Dr. Wang will briefly share the teachings of mindfulness practices from Donghua Chan with video links to assist attendees’ daily practices.
Suggested additional materials:
- Wang, Yao-Chin, Chen, Po-Ju, Shi, Huiming, & Shi, Wanxing. (2021). Travel for mindfulness through Zen retreat experience: A case study at Donghua Zen Temple. Tourism Management, 83, 104211.
- Zen Master Wanxing explains Donghua Zen (Chan):
Bio: Dr. Yao-Chin Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management at the University of Florida. He received his Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration from Oklahoma State University. He studied well-being for his master thesis, love for his dissertation, and is now focusing on mindfulness research in both management and marketing sides, especially on how applications of artificial intelligence and technology experiences would be utilized to support human mindfulness. Dr. Wang has published more than 50 journal articles and is a recipient of several awards and honours, such as the W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Research Paper of the Year Award from ICHRIE and The Global 25 Most Influential Educators in Hospitality for 2021 by International Hospitality Institute.