Session Title: Stress and Anxiety Management
Speaker: Kameron Talley, Health Promotion Specialist in the Center for Student Well-Being, University of South Florida
Watch the session:
Short description: By the end of the session participants will be able to:
- Understand the difference between stress and anxiety
- Understand symptoms of stress and anxiety
- Understand stress management strategies
- Recognize, catch, challenge, and change unhelpful thinking styles
- Practice mindfulness in their everyday life
- Practice self-compassion
Bio: Kameron earned her 1st master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, her 2nd master’s degree in Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion with a concentration in Health Promotion, and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology, all from Mississippi State University. Kameron is a Certified Health Education Specialist and a National Certified Counselor. Her work focuses on the eight dimensions of wellness by providing outreach, education, and skills on an array of health topics across campus. She oversees our REACH Peer Health Educator Program and collaborates with campus partners to provide holistic health and wellness outreach and prevention initiatives.