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Session Title: Why Resilience Matters to Wellness
Speaker: Jessica Moore, Doctoral Student, Cleveland State University
                Melissa Carter, Doctoral Student, Cleveland State University
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Short description: Our presentation discusses the differences between stress an trauma, while address how both can impact individuals and impair functioning. Additionally, we discuss resiliency and how that influences holistic wellness. Finally, we provide a comprehensive toolkit of practical strategies that can be used to enhance holistic wellness in the face of adversity.


Jessica Moore: I am currently a third year Counseling Psychology doctoral student at Cleveland State University. My research interests include the support of Black women within doctoral training programs through the lens of Black Feminist Thought. My professional goals express an eagerness to support college student wellness while seeking to improve the effectiveness of college counseling clinics. I am especially interested in the college experiences of racial minorities, and how their receipt of psychological support services may be improved.  As a doctoral student, I view my platform as an opportunity to positively affect my surrounding environment, while deconstructing the societal myths of mental health. Choosing to increase the strengths and lifelong contentment of clients reflects my clinical approach and personal values. Through education and empowerment, I offer clients a therapeutic environment for safety, healing, and hope to support and sustain their success. Acknowledging the systemic limits of society, my service as a clinical counselor and doctoral trainee has been devoted to the undermined and underrepresented populations of our communities.

Melissa Carter: I am currently a fourth year Counseling Psychology doctoral student at Cleveland State University. Current professional areas of interest include promoting holistic wellness, emotional intelligence, effectively managing trauma as well as aiding others in identifying healthy coping strategies. Additionally, my current research is related to the influences of racism and race-based trauma for minority populations across settings (e.g., the impact of racial trauma on Black students in academic settings).