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Session Title: Energy reset: The Importance of energy healing
Speaker: Vicky Roncero, Energy Healing Practitioner & Teacher/Writer/Producer/ Owner of Roncero Reiki, Roncero Reiki, LLC
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Session description: The last two years have opened us to new beliefs. Now more than ever, people are curious and willing to learn more about their life force energy and how they can learn to regulate their own emotions. Our emotional health is a key component of our overall health. When we can balance our emotions, we can achieve optimal wellness. Connecting with our energy to balance ourselves is the key to this practice. I have combined my experience in the wellness space with my experience as a television writer/producer and have launched an online course called “Energy Reset”. I would like to teach your audience some of the simple techniques taught in my course, so they can feel less stressed in under two minutes. There are many simple tools and techniques we can learn to help us stay calm and when we are calm we are more focused and productive. Regulating our emotional state can connect us to our best selves. Feeling less stressed and calmer is something we can all achieve.

Bio: Vicky Roncero- Energy Healing Practitioner/ Usui Reiki Master Teacher and television writer/producer/ director. Vicky discovered energy healing in between jobs in the television industry and it was her profound personal experience that caused her to pursue this passion. Vicky has a studio in Montclair, New Jersey. But, her favourite way of working with clients is via distance healing, as connecting with energy is equally as effective remotely. Vicky works with clients who are healing from an illness or injury, moving through a life transition, or just simply looking to be more balanced and calm. She is also a meditation facilitator and has a side business ( creating guided customized meditations. She has currently launched an online course called “ENERGY RESET,” which teaches a two-minute energy healing technique she has developed, to help people find calm quickly. She is also writing a book entitled “Tune In”, documenting her experience from working as a TV producer getting people to “tune in” to specific shows, to becoming a healing practitioner, getting people to “tune in” to themselves. As someone with over two decades of experience as a TV writer/producer, Vicky is a seasoned storyteller and feels our energy is our greatest storytelling tool. When we learn to work with our energy, we realize we are the creators of our life stories and can start the next chapter at any time. As Einstein had said, “The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Energy healing can raise our vibration, lift our spirits and help us heal. We are more powerful than we realize. You can reach Vicky @: [email protected] Follow her on Instagram @ronceroreiki Or on Facebook at RONCERO REIKI